This first monograph on Marinella Senatore is conceived to document her first retrospective in a museum setting. It presents a selection of major projects by the Italian artist: from her early works, focused on everyday micro-narratives, to her most recent, aimed at exploring art’s potential to seek dynamic interaction, and rather than relegating the audience to the passive role of spectators, foster the active involvement of participants.
Texts by Marcella Beccaria, Beatrice Bertini, Cecilia Canziani, Barbara Casavecchia, Fabio Cavallucci, Alfredo Cramerotti, Stefan Heidenreich, Serena Marconi, Beatrice Merz, Gianni Sbrogiò, Marco Scotini and Isabella Zamboni
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: «Marinella Senatore. Building Communities», Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea,
«Marinella Senatore. Public Secrets», Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen and «Marinella Senatore. Rosas», Peres Projects, Berlin.
Edited by Marcella Beccaria.